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1.   Jesus is the center of all we do.

It’s about: knowing our source.

2.  We pursue progression, not perfection.

It’s about: transformation.

3.  We believe every person is uniquely created by God.

It’s about: being authentic.

4.  We value relationships over issues.

It’s about: unity.

5.  We do what’s right, not what’s popular.

It’s about: integrity.

6.  We believe it is better to give than to receive.

It’s about: generosity.

7.  We do the very best with what we have.

It’s about: excellence.

8.   We embrace a healthy perspective in all areas of life.

It’s about: balance.

9.   We begin with the end in mind.

It’s about: being intentional.

10. We are called to influence our culture.

It’s about: kingdom living.

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